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Adam Pennington
Nov 16, 2020
The exhumation of Anne Boleyn and restoration of the Chapel of St. Peter Ad Vincula
In 1848, a historian by the name of Lord Thomas Macaulay visited the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula in the grounds of The Tower of...

Adam Pennington
Nov 14, 2020
Will the real Anne Boleyn please stand up?
Ugggghh, the eternal mystery that is what on earth did Anne Boleyn really look like. It's perplexed historians and fans alike for...

Adam Pennington
Nov 13, 2020
How old was Anne Boleyn at the time of her execution?
Nothing seems to divide historians more than determining how old Anne Boleyn was when she died in 1536. For the most part, historians are...
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